Read labels carefully to avoid coming across a false alternative
As startling as the statistics on polluted oceans, seas and cities are, it is still hard to see concrete positive results. In this article on "Biopedia" you will learn the essentials about biodegradable bags that we use in our daily lives.
What more can each of us do to reverse the trend?
Taking personal responsibility and using reusable solutions or biodegradable packaging, bags and utensils are the perfect first step. But which would be best? How do we assess exactly what will make the biggest impact?
This is where statistics come in again. According to it, one of the most used products in our daily lives and therefore a huge contributor to pollution are plastic bags. Fortunately, an alternative has emerged in recent years. Let's learn more about this
The three most commonly used raw materials are corn starch, potato starch and sugar cane. All three are defined by experts as a rapidly renewable resource and in reality this is exactly the case. Plant-based substitutes for plastic are the best solution for now.
There are alternatives that are also advertised as being environmentally friendly, but in reality this is not the case, because, again, we are talking about dangerous plastic that breaks down, but in the form of granules. These, in turn, cause even more serious damage because they pollute the water and soil even more aggressively.
The short advice is simply to read carefully. And if you want to go even deeper into the subject, you can look into what certificates the eco bags you have identified have, or at least what European standards they meet. Reputable manufacturers and retailers take note of this and use it extensively in their advertising campaigns.

It is important to know that there are disposable ones among them. These are most commonly used for trash or if you have dogs and cats and need to clean up after them.
The problem here is that you have no way of knowing how durable they are until you buy and try. You will most likely be impressed right from the start that these biodegradable bags are much finer to the touch.
This is normal, and you just have to be careful when using them - when you tear them off the roll - they may tear in a different place to the perforated one, and also when you decide to put something sharp or just an edgy object.
All other bags you can choose according to weight and size. There are those that can withstand 3, 5 or even 8 pounds. You can shop with them quite normally and if you are careful in arranging the products, even use repeatedly.

This is a particularly key question if you really want to help nature. The special thing about using biodegradable bags is that they come with a completely different philosophy. Most people who buy them are consciously looking for reusability. This is logical and thankfully "breaks" the usual logic - "take - use once - throw away".
People who are even able to wash a bag and dry it to use it again are not at all exceptions. Provided, of course, that it is sturdy.
Still, when it breaks the best you can do is dispose of it properly.
How to do that? Look for a green waste container.
Another very good option is to put the bag in your personal composter. These are usually found on the patio or in the yard and the effort is minimal - like throwing away apple peels.
If you were careful when you bought the eco-bags, the moment of disposal will not cause you any worries.
Biodegradable bags are non-toxic, their degradation time is many times less, they become natural fertilizer and in an organic environment they do not cause any problems.

A few years ago, when they were just coming onto the market, they were more expensive. This was the main deterrent for many people who wanted to live more environmentally friendly not to buy them often. Somehow it wasn't profitable to give a lot of money for such a thing - after all, cheap and free alternatives to the ubiquitous plastic bags are a flawed and difficult practice to overcome.
With more competition and companies importing biodegradable bags from around the world, the price has come down. Yes, they are not penniless, but they are now worth pennies - a fact you will see for yourself if you divide the number of bags in a roll by the total amount.
And that's the good news. It's no longer an expensive pleasure to protect nature - anyone can get involved - the choice is there and it's readily available.

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