We all already know how important it is to apply sunscreen regularly in every season. The damages of sunlight on our skin and body can be really many, so it is important to provide ourselves with maximum, quality and long-lasting protection, and at this time, sunscreens offer such. In this article of"Biopedia" we will share with you some suitable products for organic sun protection.
Hundreds and maybe more than this sunscreen products can be found in the market. And from this it follows quite logically that the consumer starts to ask themselves how one is superior to the others, which ones to choose, which ones are really the best choice? And here, quite naturally, the debate shifts to the products of the organic sunscreen class.
We read about them and hear from experts that they are the more beneficial and healthier choice, while also offering a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative. But what actually is this organic sunscreen? And why choose it over the other options on the market? We will try to answer these questions and more in this article.
Organic sunscreen - why is it needed at all?
First of all, let's answer why it is of utmost importance to use sunscreen and not only in summer and at the beach. Harmful UV rays from the sun reach us in every season. We don't have to burn on the beach to know that our skin has been exposed to these harmful rays for too long without protection.
Of course, burning the skin is not only uncomfortable and often painful, it is also extremely dangerous. Not only does this destroy the skin's protective barrier, but it also potentially increases the risk of a number of dangerous health conditions, including skin cancer.
Lest we be pessimistic and speak grim facts, let's just summarize that when it comes to protecting our skin and our entire body from the sun, it's best to simply get insurance and not test our body's limits.
In winter and autumn, these places will be significantly less because our skin is covered by clothes, but this by no means means that we should skip sunscreen.
And products in the organic sunscreen category act as an effective barrier that stops UV rays from reaching the skin and its deeper layers.
In this way, we not only protect ourselves from disease and health damage, but also from premature skin aging, skin discoloration or the appearance of pigment spots.
Organic sunscreen - what is it?
We're getting to the point where we know how important it is to apply sunscreen, but what to choose? On the one hand we have the conventional products, on the other are the products from the category of bio sun protection. Which category of products are more effective, have more benefits, and are generally the better choice?
It's certainly the organic sunscreen category. Bio sunscreens come with all the features and purposes of conventional products - to protect the skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays when exposed to the sun. But with organic sunscreens, there are added benefits and advantages and this is due to their origin and how they are created.
Organic farming does not use or treat any chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, GMOs, antibiotics, hormones or the like during any stage of animal and plant breeding and the extraction and processing of raw materials.
Organic sunscreen - advantages and benefits
Due to the fact that products in the organic sunscreen category are the product of organic raw materials, no chemicals or products that are toxic can be found in them. Thus, when using and applying such products, there is no risk of harmful toxins getting into the human body and causing harm.
It is important to note that organic raw materials retain all their beneficial properties, vitamins and trace elements in a much higher percentage than conventionally harvested raw materials. Thus, the use of organic sunscreens also proves to be much more beneficial and effective because the body receives many more beneficial ingredients.
Organic sunscreen - ingredients to look for
Of course, the main advantage of organic sunscreens is their composition and the fact that a number of beneficial and organic ingredients are present in it. These ingredients not only help protect the skin from burning and harmful rays, speed up the process of repairing damaged skin, but also offer additional benefits.
Some of the best organic ingredients to look for in our organic sunscreen are:
Plant oils - Organic plant oils hydrate the skin, maintain its water balance and help nourish and repair the skin.
Soothing ingredients - these can be organic coconut oil or jojoba oil. Such ingredients soothe the skin, protect against inflammation and irritation and prevent premature ageing.
Antioxidants - antioxidants are present in large quantities in many organic plant materials. They support the body's natural defense mechanisms to protect against harmful free radicals formed by UVA rays. In this way, antioxidants create a second and deeper level of skin protection to defend against UV radiation that has passed through the surface level of protection.
Organic sun protection - useful tips
The amount of sunscreen to apply is as much as a handful. Apply the product in a thick layer. Renew the product every two hours.
Keep an eye on the expiry date - it is important and once it has passed, the effectiveness of the product drops sharply. If you swim in the sea or pool, always apply a new layer of product after leaving the water. At the beach, remember to apply product to areas that are often forgotten - earlobes, underarms, eyelids, lips.