Organic products

Organic products - how are they better than conventional?

You can snack on them, drink them, wear them and maintain your personal hygiene with them! Organic products can be found on almost every shelf in almost every store nowadays. We find organic products in different product categories on the market. The world of organic products is vast and wonderful and can easily become a part of our daily lives.

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"Keeping the body healthy is an obligation... otherwise we won't be able to keep the mind strong and clear"
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Proper selection and intake of organic vitamins for women according to age is of utmost importance for the function of the female organism and the satisfaction of its many needs, as well as the prevention of a number of diseases and conditions

We at


](</>) truly believe that through the conventional products on the market, those in the organic category are the better choice for you, your family and our planet and nature around us in general.

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Organic products - what really makes them different?

Foods and beverages that are the product of so-called organic farming and fall into the organic category are the most natural choices on the market. The growing, harvesting and processing of organic products does not require or involve the use of artificial additives, colours and flavours, preservatives, chemicals and GMOs. In fact, the production of organic products reflects as much as possible in our modern times the way our ancestors grew their food. Besides organic fruits, vegetables, spices and other raw materials of plant origin, organic food products are also available from raw materials of animal origin. This category includes organic dairy products, meat, eggs and honey, which are derived from animals that have been reared according to extremely high standards of living and welfare. This means that these animals are raised under conditions that make the most of the best natural conditions, sun, fresh air, natural food. In addition, the animals from which organic products are obtained are not fed or injected with antibiotics, and their growth is not accelerated by hormones. Furthermore, these animals are bred in a natural way.

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Organic products - why choose them?

In a nutshell, growing and harvesting organic vegetables and fruits, spices, grains and crops, meat, dairy, eggs and honey are the healthiest, safest and best option possible for us. Not only is eating organic much better for us, but it is better for farming and industry, for nature and the environment, for the planet.

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In growing and harvesting this type of produce and commodities, farmers use natural and natural ways to manage pests, smarter and more strategic crop rotation so that the soil is kept richer and more fertile each year. Organic farming thus reduces soil erosion and makes the cultivation and production of plant and animal commodities significantly more sustainable.

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How are they better than conventional?

<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;>Now that we know the cycle that all organic products go through to reach our table, let's find out what the process is like for the other products we see on the market.

The growing and harvesting of non-organic produce usually involves the use of chemicals, pesticides, artificial and chemical fertilizers, preservatives and the like, which not only affect the quality of the food products but also the environment.

The farming of non-organic raw materials is actually one of the main culprits for high carbon levels as well as the harmful greenhouse effect. All these chemicals that are used in the processes associated with these raw materials usually reach the soil, the water and even our plate.

Month for More Conscious Consumption of Organic Products

September has been officially declared Organic and Organic Food Awareness Month. While September is traditionally seen as the time when nature is at its most bountiful and blesses us with its bounty as we harvest the fruits of our labor, that doesn't mean we can only enjoy organic foods and products during this last month of summer. In fact, we can dine on them year-round and choose from all the wonderful seasonal flavors and aromas.31.jpg

Reasons to Love Organic Products

Here are the main reasons:

    • These products don't harm the environment or pollute our planet.

    • Farming organic food products helps fight harmful carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect.

    • These food products contain more beneficial ingredients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

    • In addition, they help protect bees and the natural pollination process.

    • Food products in this category have much better taste and flavors.

    • With these products, we can rest assured that we know exactly what they contain and what we are putting on the table.

    • You won't find artificial colors, flavors or tastes in them.

    • No GMOs on our plate either.

    • Organic farming promotes biodiversity.

    There are certainly countless more reasons why organic products are superior to all the others we can find on store shelves. But the one we can point to as the most important is that these types of food products are truly the best choices we can make for our health.