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Bio Health

Homeopathy for insomnia | How to help yourself?

Over 70 million people worldwide suffer from some form of insomnia. Whether you struggle to fall asleep or wake up repeatedly during the night, homeopathy can offer you much needed relief. But what homeopathy for insomnia could help you? That's what we'll comment on in this Biopedia article.

If you want to be healthy and not get sick often one of the things you need to do first is get enough sleep at night. Insomnia can harm your cardiovascular system and badly affect your memory, your immune system, your weight and even lead you to various depressive conditions.

For the elderly, a sufficient amount of sleep is between 7 and 9 hours. However, if you sleep less than 6 hours a day you are putting yourself at serious risk to your health. Often people resort to taking medication without consulting a doctor and this can bring with it unwanted side effects.

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Therefore, it is recommended not to take sleeping pills for a longer period of 10-14 days consecutively because taking them without medical supervision can lead you to addiction.

хомеопатия при безсъние, хомеопатия за сън, безсъние хомеопатия, хомеопатия за безсъние

Can homeopathy help us with insomnia?

In homeopathy, the guiding principle for choosing a remedy is the whole picture with the patient's individual complaints and the symptoms characteristic of his condition. Against this, the following popular homeopathic remedies may be suitable for sleep disorders:

● Coffea D6 - recommended for people where a pleasant or unpleasant event has caused their nervous system to become overexcited and overstimulated. It is often expressed in palpitations, stomach pain, trembling or diarrhea.

In addition to all of the above, there is increased mental activity that prevents the person from falling asleep or even relaxing. If you have ever had too many coffees in one day then assume the feeling is the same. In such cases you can take Coffea.

хомеопатия при безсъние, хомеопатия за сън, безсъние хомеопатия, хомеопатия за безсъние

● Nux vomica D6 - often with great exhaustion from work, something that happens quite often to modern man, sleep problems occur, which are accompanied by increased irritability during the day. In these moments people resort to stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, various other medications in order to regain balance in their lives.

That is why Nux vomica takes care of it. This homeopathic remedy helps with nervous insomnia caused by stress and by the extra increased nervousness from the listed stimulants.

● Staphisagria D6 - is a remedy that helps with the suppression of anger and resentment, in cases where this has been going on for a long time and interferes with healthy sleep. People who are affected by this type of insomnia most often toss and turn in bed for hours and constantly think about negative experiences they have had and cannot relax and fall asleep at all.

● Sulfur D6 - this homeopathic remedy is suitable for people who are warm blooded and generally have great difficulty falling asleep in a room that is too warm. For this reason they sleep lightly and are awakened by the slightest sound.

Thus, these people neither get enough rest nor sleep, and the next day they feel exhausted, sleep-deprived and, despite their tiredness, unable to fall back asleep when they go to bed again.

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"If you wish to try a homeopathic remedy it is best to ask at a pharmacy and explain to the pharmacist exactly what your complaints are. You can also seek out a qualified homeopath to make your treatment even more effective."
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What else can you change in your daily routine to sleep soundly?

● Try to get enough sleep or try to go to bed and get up at the same time. Sleep before midnight is the most beneficial for a person, so we advise you to change your routine so that you go to bed earlier and get up earlier too.

Rather than going to bed after midnight and sleeping until noon. The natural rhythms of each of us are linked to the hourly activity of our organs is very important to balance our hormones. The sleep hormone begins to be released as early as 7 pm.

● Do not overdo it with caffeine and alcohol. These substances act on our body as a stimulant and exacerbate various diseases such as restless legs syndrome, for example, which is caused by insomnia.

● Have dinner early, before 7 pm. In addition, try to eat less and not very fatty food. Heavy fatty food excites our gastrointestinal activity and disturbs the distribution of melatonin, which is precisely the hormone of restful sleep. We therefore advise you to eat lighter food and if possible before 7 pm.

● Ventilate your bedroom and lower the blinds. Maintaining a suitable sleeping temperature will help significantly to fall asleep faster and not wake up during the night. Therefore, try to cool the room well before sleeping.

More about Mahan life school homeopathy.


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